Optional Durango School District Chromebook Insurance Policy

Prior to being issued a Chromebook, each middle and high school student can submit a non-refundable $50 insurance deposit to Durango 9-R. This deposit will cover repairs for the first instance of accidental damage. Should a student have a second instance of accidental damage, the parent will be required to pay the first $75 of the repair cost. The repair cost for a third instance of accidental damage is $100. After a third incident, the student is no longer eligible for reduced repair costs and must pay the full repair or replacement cost for their device.


Replacement of lost or stolen devices is also covered by this deposit, provided a report has been filed with the appropriate authorities. 


Any student intentionally damaging or tampering with a device, physically or logically, will be responsible for the entire repair or replacement cost of the device and subject to disciplinary action and may be required to checkout a device for daily use. 


Summary of $50 Repair Deposit Coverage:

Grade Level

Incident of damage

Repair/Replacement Policy

6th through 12th

Chromebook goes home

First incident

No charge

6th through 12th

Chromebook goes home

Second incident


6th through 12th

Chromebook goes home

Third incident


6th through 12th

Chromebook goes home

Additional incidents

Full repair or replacement cost

at the family’s expense

2nd through 5th

Chromebook stays at school


No charge

