Companies, Organizations and Non-Profits: Click HERE to fill out the form to get on our Internship Master List.
LTI (Learning Through Interests)
This is the most exciting component of our program. Students at Durango Big Picture High School spend two days a week (Tuesdays & Thursdays) in the community learning through internships. Students learn and practice the process to obtain and maintain an internship. Students learn in a real-world setting from a Mentor who shares their passion. The Mentor, Advisor and Student work together to design the learning experience at the internship site. Students create and develop internship projects that are rich with Colorado content standards and meet graduation requirements that give back to their Mentors and internship sites.
Students are REQUIRED to complete an internship EACH YEAR to graduate.

1. Students search for internship opportunities.
2. Students requests to pursue the interest.
3. Internship Coordinator approves the request.
4. Student sets up and completes an Interview with someone at the internship location.
5. Student sets up and completes a Shadow Day at the internship location.
6. Student requests a start date to start the internship.
7. Advisor and Internship Coordinator approve the internship.
8. Student begins internship.
9. Project meeting is held with advisor, mentor and student to determine what project the student will complete that will further the student and business goals.
10. Student logs daily attendance and goals. Advisor and mentor monitor progress.
11. Student requests to end the internship when complete.
Since opening our doors in August 2009, we have had hundreds of internships in a broad range of career fields. If you have any questions, would like to be a Mentor, or think your business or nonprofit would be a great internship site and learning environment, please call David Blau, Internship Coordinator & Counselor, at 970-259-0203 ext. 2702 or fill out the link above to get onto the list.
Since opening our doors in August 2009, we have had hundreds of internships in a broad range of career fields. If you have any questions, would like to be a Mentor, or think your business or nonprofit would be a great internship site and learning environment, please call David Blau, Internship Coordinator & Counselor, at 970-259-0203 ext. 2702 or fill out the link above to get onto the list.