Chelsea Reinsch

Growing up bicoastally in California and Maine, I came to Durango to attend Fort Lewis College and pursue my passion for the outdoors and experiential education in January 2009. After graduating in 2012, I worked in the medical field as a medical assistant, which was a great introduction to the professional world, but not something I got excited about every day.

In the summer of 2015, I pursued my passion for teaching and educating by getting a job as a English Language Arts teacher in the Farmington School District and enrolling in the Alternative Licensure Program at San Juan College. I am excited to be a part of Big Picture High School, having spent the majority of my K-12 education in hands on, experiential schools, I value the culture and small school environment that allows students to individually express themselves through their interests and passions.

I am happy to call Durango my home! I met my husband while attending Fort Lewis College. He and I reside in Bayfield with our dog, Sascha. We are both avid ice hockey players and spend many hours in the winter at Chapman Hill.